WinRock Wizard is a tool that allows you to classify rocks by group and mineralogy. The advantage of using this program is that you can classify rocks step by step. In each step you will be asked for more details about the rock group, mineralogy, structure, texture, etc.
The first step includes the three major classes of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic, as well as meteorites and duricrust.
The igneous group is a little different from the others because you need to select the family and enter some data about the rock materials. Depending on the data entered your rock will be sub-classified on a chart. So you can obtain a lot of variations.
The main families of the igneous group are carbonatites, charnockites, FAP plutonic, FAP volcanic, lamprophyres, mafic plag, pyroclastics, QAP Plutonic, QAP volcanic, and ultramafic.
With the rest of the groups you just need to follow the steps and select one of the multiple choice answers that best fit your rock. Each classification will be accompanied by a picture that that is related to your rock.